Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Phrase of wisdom of the day

Phrases of wisdom of the day. It has been a habbit for me now to read one of these kinds of phrases everyday.

These words always seem to give me a wake up call on my thoughts. Today i realize that, my thinking has been quite negative for these few days due to certain reasons. And then, I've managed to have encounter this phrase:

Fix your eyes forward on what you can do, not back on what you cannot change." - Tom Clancy

I have actually read about this phrase here before. Have understood it, but yet failed to act according to what it says. Many times due to the life that I have been living on seems to have lots of challenges that seem to blind me from some of the actions and thoughts that I should be manifesting.
Its phrases like these that provides me with the positive input that I require to face the challenges of my life.