Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Find A Way To Make It!

Internal meetings, calling up potential affiliates, drafting the business idea, planning the financials... we are preparing for the next pitching session!

Yay! We got through the top 12! Greenergy next target is to be qualified for the next judging session!

Team mates, we are approaching our goal step by step! Keep the spirit up high to influence more people to support our idea!

Our main priority now is to sort out those potential organisations and bodies who can aid us in making our business a reality. Managed to make appointments to meet them. It is a good sign.

Thankfully the judging session is 2 weeks (hmm... 10 days later). We are confident to get more things done during this period of time.

Thou shan't mess with Greenergy! We will do beyond our best to get to Top 5!

love, cheers, reach for the stars